- Version 0.9
- Download 28
- File Size 375.08 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 20 July 2018
- Last Updated 10 April 2019
ExpoBadge starters guide (EN)
This download contains complete information about how to set-up the Epson TM-C3500 as a badge printer for use with the ExpoBadge 260 product range. Besides the drivers the download contains the following documentation and files:
- Readme file containing basic info and overview of documents and files
- Printer driver installation files including the Epson install navi for the Epson TM-C3500
- Manual and technical reference guide of the Epson TM-C3500
- Sample lay-outs and designer template for Adobe InDesign and Illustrator
- Media setting import file for ExpoBadge media settings including "How to" documentation
- Documentation for printer settings
- Several Epson software tools (on special request we can send an separate file for counting the number of prints made by an printer, this is not included in the download)
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